
A token of appreciation for our Healthcare Workers

Many Healthcare professionals working on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic have sacrificed their own health to help others. Daniel decided to give them a token of appreciation and remind them that they are being seen and appreciated! Each individual received  a calm and beautiful beach scene painting. 

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Julie Magos works at Neighborhood Healthcare in Escondido CA. She is the Supervisor of Nursing and a super hero! 

“Thank you Daniel, your painting brings a smile to my face every time I look at it.”-Julie

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Isabel Pelayo works at Neighborhood Healthcare in Escondido CA. She is the Phlebotomist and a super hero! 

“It has been stressful, scary time, this surprise gift made a big difference, Gracias awesome painting Daniel”        -Isabel

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Cathy Berglund works at Neighborhood Healthcare in Escondido CA. She is the Director of Nursing and a super hero! 

” I was having a tough day, but your gift gave positive vibes, thank you, amazing work Daniel” -Cathy


Ilianne Anoba, works at Neighborhood Healthcare in Escondido CA. She is the Prenatal Educator and a super hero! 

“I was never expecting such a surprise, but it made my day, thank so much, Daniel and I love my painting.” -Ilianne

Purchase a work of art for someone who is making a difference in their community!

Daniel Invites you to join a Plein Air Painting Class on Sundays 4/18-5/2! Class meets in La Jolla, 9:30am -1pm

Plein air Class 2

What is Plein Air? Plein air is a French expression meaning “in the open air,” and refers to the act of paint­ing out­doors with the artist’s subject in full view. Plein air artists capture the spirit and essence of a landscape or subject by incorporating natural light, color and movement into their works. During this portion of the workshop you’ll learn composition, color temperature, and how to edit things in nature. These “Paint Outs” are fun and give artists an opportunity to share their talents and creativity with the general public and with one another.

Zoom Art classes will start soon, so reserve your seat now!!